India - Patnem Beach - Oct/Nov 2013

Publié le par Fanella Westerveld

Patnem Beach...

Such a small little paradise...

Lost in the middle of nowhere/ everywhere, this rising moon shaped beach blew my heart away!

Two months of raw emotions! So many giggles, laughs, tears of happiness, sadness, pain...

I am blessed! I spent about two months there, on this tinny tinny little beach, with people from all over the world in a Karma yoga Shâla: The Kranti Yoga School!

One year ago!

It was an absolute gift of life, a blessing from the Gods and angels. I knew I wanted to go there once I've discovered the web site. The colors, pictures, texts, everything was "talking" to me, whispering sweet symphonies to my heart! I knew it! "I want to go there" I heard myself saying quietly!

I spoke my truth, the spell was casted, the Universe heard me! I wrote a mail and application letter the same day, received a mail from my beloved Magda the next day, with a gig "YES", and flew a few weeks later to Goa, in India!

Overwhelmed with excitement and apprehension I arrived in Goa in a tremendous storm. rain season was not yet over, and the first ten days were very intense with energies. I was tired and scared of the storm, asking myself what the ... I was doing there on my own, with the biggest lightenings striking next to my little bamboo hut!

And then, I opened the gate of the Kranti shala. As I was blown away reading the website, I was stroke by the same warm- loving feeling of "coming home". I had crossed the door, opened my eyes to a new place that felt so reassuring, nurturing, recognizable. A new, paste, present home!

And then started the course! A blessing of every minute. It was, at first very hard for me... Why? Because, like most of people I was stuck on my Ego. I was not free of the mind patterns, just trying to reach achievement, results! But life is about trying, failing and standing back on your feet, rising!

Life is not about results!!!

Life is about learning and sharing!

So, when I started I was dealing with all kinds of physical and mental blockages. I was trying but trying far to hard! I was putting so much pressure on myself... I never stopped believing in me and listening to me, but I was concerned about reaching the same level as the rest of the group which was impossible as Ashtanga was new to me!

My astrological sign is Lion and believe it or not I am so proud and stubborn! Haha, and I won't tell you what my ascending sign is! I am such a free woman and I tried to do things on my own for so long!

Now, I am ready to change! Keeping my inner truth rising and all my nice "stubborn" sides of goodness and kindness... But I have so much to share with you ALL!

Please, come hold my hand and lets RISE!

We have so much potential, so many passions, emotions, feelings to be alone!

And I have decided that Life is indeed magical and beautiful wherever, whenever, but it is even better shared.

I started appreciating and noticing that one year ago while achieving my Yoga Teacher Training in Patnem Beach. The people I met were all so special to me, beautiful inside as lights shining in the dark... and I realized I loved everyone! I just love!!!

I want to say the biggest thank you to the ALL, Universe, Life, and all the people I met there, during my stay in Patnem. Every travel, every second is unique; but what appeared to me then was the biggest realization ever: living in a small community sharing this same desire of union and living through karma yoga is "where" I want to be!

I wanted to learn, read, listen, watch, be... but at last with the ALL!

I am a free electron hovering on the surface of Earth and I am so not alone!

We are all so SPECIAL! Unique and beautiful souls, in such a different but still oh so perfect way!

We all have this little something, this unique little wrinkle, twinkle in the eye, this special thing that people hate or love... but UNIQUE! And I love it! I love you...

We are so lucky to feel... Feelings can be our best friend or our worst enemy when we compare to it. Free yourself! You are not your feelings, you have feelings!

So you can love freely, or be dependent of it and suffer from it!

Grow, rise from your mind identity! You can ascend taller! Be this tree that you see so proud, strong, noble, wide and great!

As told the wise Mahatma Gandhi, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world"!

yeah, let's do it! Come with me, let's RISE!

Be this Tree, tall, grounded and free!

Be this Tree, tall, grounded and free!

Publié dans Yoga

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Ma Chérie.... Merci, tu m'inspires. Aspirons... les hauteurs, les pieds bien enracinés. Ensembles tel un forêt, chaque arbre un royaume unique!
Thank you so much my first but OH so important reader... Thank you for All, I have such high esteeem of you, You are such a great and powerful woman to me, my dearest mamounette! Love xxx